The Call for Unity, Global Cooperation, and Cross-Partisan Engagement in a Divided World
In an era marked by profound challenges — environmental degradation, global security threats, economic inequality, and political...

Practitioners of Peace
As of today, numerous conflicts continue to rage throughout the world with no end in sight. Meanwhile, in the last decade, many social...

The Olympics: Competition vs Cooperation
The conception of the Olympic games is dated back as far as 776 BC and was thought to originally serve as a religious celebration....

Bloom Review Response
The UK Bahá’í Office of Public Affairs would like to extend its appreciation and congratulations to Colin Bloom and the team that has...

Why I Fast
The Greek physician and father of modern day medicine Hippocrates recommended abstinence from food or drink as a remedy for certain...

Fear, Faith and Providence
My journey from fear to faith began with an extreme event. During my early twenties, I spent a night crewing in a gale force ten in the...

Impunity and Models of Global Order: A Bahá’i Perspective
Remarks made by Daniel Wheatley, Senior Diplomatic Officer at the UK Bahá'i Office of Public Affairs, at the Commemoration of the 75th...

Beyond the Individual: Building a Healthier World
Baha’u’llah wrote: “Be anxiously concerned with the needs of the age ye live in, and centre your deliberations on its exigencies and...

Acts of Service, Wildflowers...and Honey
When we look at the state of the world today, we can’t help but feel deeply saddened, disturbed and disheartened by the devastating...

Moving Through Humanity's 'Stormy Adolescence' with Effective Governance and Leadership
Remarks made by international lawyer Maja Groff at the Annual Parliamentary Reception of the APPG on the Bahá'i Faith, in Westminster on...

Migration, Identity and Social Cohesion
The world is experiencing the highest rate of population displacement on record. UNHCR’s figures before the Ukraine war indicated that in...

Our Response to 'Keeping the Faith 2.0' by the APPG on Faith and Society
At the UK Bahá’i Office of Public Affairs we’ve read your report “Keeping the Faith 2.0” with great interest. We wish to express our...

Learning From Nature about Fair Finance
Being a new-born thing in this world is tough. The world is tough. It’s very hard to stay alive. It’s a miracle so many beautiful and...

It's Christmas and We Are the Magi
Outside it's misty and cold. The sun is trying to break through and the sky glowing pink. I watch the light show, tea cup in hand. Today...

The Future We Want and How to Get There - Revisiting the UN Charter
A summary of remarks made by Augusto Lopez-Claros at the Annual Reception of the APPG on the Bahá'i Faith, at UK Parliament on October...